Steel Detailing: Everything You Need To Know About
A number of steel components like steel columns, beams, trusses, stairs, handrails, braces, steel joists, etc are required for the construction of several steel structures. Without proper steel design, steel detailing and Steel Shop Drawings , these structures may turn into disasters. The reason for opting structural steel in construction is its qualities: reliability, durability, and weather resistance. Steel detailing is a process that involves the creation of engineering drawings for steel members. These drawings are used to erect steel members later on with required precision. It also forms a link between different team members such as fabricators, architects, engineers, and contractors. Providing strength and stability for a structure is the responsibility of structural engineers while complying with the major standards and codes is the responsibility of an architect. The Two Types of Drawings Required for Steel Design Detailing: 1. Erection Drawings: ...