Top 5 FAQ’s On HVAC

Servicing HVAC System manually without any technical support can be a tedious job. In order to understand HVAC system of your house, you must be familiar with few concepts related to it. Here is a compiled list of questions frequently asked by the owners and their respective answers:

1. Which HVAC system is right for your home?

The HVAC system for a particular home can be determined by experts. They will come down on request, evaluate the size of the home, its heating and cooling needs, and the environment. After proper analysis, the correct HVAC system is recommended for a particular building.

2. How often do you need to service your HVAC system?

The HVAC system requires service twice a year. This is a recommended maintenance time frame for a healthy working of your HVAC system. During this service, the technician will check the filters, coils, wiring, housing, motor and more. This service will detect the potential problems in your HVAC system, if persistent, and eradicate it beforehand.

3. When to consider replacing your heater or air conditioner?
When your heater or cooler is not working efficiently or maintaining the temperature as it should, consider replacing it with a better quality system. When your system is used up for more than 15 years or so, and if it requires frequent repairs, replace it with a good option. These systems if used thereafter will cost you more than it should.

4. What kind of filter do you need for your HVAC system?

A filter’s effectiveness is calculated by its Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) which is between 1 to 20. A lower number indicates lower quality. Most commonly, filers with 5-8 MERV are used to control dust. A MERV rating of 10 to 16 is recommended for Residential having asthma patients.

5. How can you lower energy bills from your HVAC system?

There are several ways to control energy bills through HVAC system.

• Installing a programmable thermostat for your heater or air conditioner, so that it can be programmed to save energy while you are outside.
• Switching ordinary light bulbs with power saving bulbs like CFL’s(compact fluorescents) or LEDs.
• Using ceiling fans instead of air conditioners when appropriate.
• Unplugging any device that is not in use so that it will not consume the power from the electrical outlet.
• Ensure sealing the doors and windows properly so that the HVAC systems don't have to work harder. 

Selecting a right HVAC system for your home is a difficult job, and so is its installation and maintenance. A proper installation of HVAC system will avoid the haphazard later one. For this, one needs to take care of few things. Choosing a good HVAC Service company will save you from a lot of work. 

We are offering HVAC services:-
Silicon Valley Infomedia Pvt Ltd is offering HVAC services including its design, drafting, and fabrication. We provide HVAC Duct Fabrication Drawing, HVAC CAD Drafting, and HVAC 2D CAD Drafting for effective fabrication and installation of the system. We also Outsource HVAC Ducting Design to countries outside India. We specialize in CAD based services to serve different sectors of AEC industry.  

Other services:-
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